
Schoolgirl Wifey goes to see Professor Hubby to improve her grade

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  • Caricato da: Anonimo
  • Descrizione: Back in highschool I was having to do several extra credit projects to get better grades, and now that I`ve decided to get my degree in quantum physics it looks like I`m gonna have to be doing the same damned tactics to keep my gr

    ades up. Don`t get me wrong- if I have to wring cum from every professor on my schedule to graduate I`ll do it! I may not be a Mensa member, but I`m smart enough to know that the square root of (34DD astroglide) x (8 ejac) A :)

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  • Tags:
  • Sito a Pagamento:Wifey's World
  • Durata:04:15
  • Voti totali:60