
Picked up teen

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  • Caricato da: Ramike [ segui ] 116 seguaci
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  • Descrizione: I spotted the shorty Ava Taylor at the supermarket parking lot and I could've sworn Ive seen her somewhere before. I approached and asked her if shes ever done any modeling and whether she would be interested in doing a shoot. Aft

    er some back and forth about not talking to strangers I convinced her to take some nudes for $1,000 bucks. After a quick drive we ended up at a warehouse parking lot where I told her I wanted a little more than flicks for my portfolio - and she started sucking my cock and letting play with her tight teen pussy. We didnt even take our clothes all the way off before I started piping this 18 year old Chicagoan and Im so glad she kept her glasses and chucks on! After busting a fat nut on her rotund ass I offered her a shower and a ride.

  • Porno Star:
    Ava Taylor

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  • Tags:
  • Sito a Pagamento:Teens Love Money
  • Durata:08:16
  • Voti totali:34