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London Keyes

(Classificazione 154) Piu' di London Keyes @ her Official Site

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London Keyes
Nome: London Keyes
Soprannome: London Keys, London Keyes
Data di nascita: August 18, 1989
Paese di Nascita: USA
Stato: Washington
Altezza: 163
Peso: 59
Misure: 34D-27-36
Colore dei Capelli: brown
Colore degli occhi: brown
Etnicita': asian
Tatu'/Piercing: lower back (sun), wrist (heart), shoulder (swallows), ribs (dragonfly), back of the neck (bow tie) and right side from hip to breast (flowers). piercings in tongue, nose and both nipples (only worn some of the of the time), lower lip twice.
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