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Charley Chase

(Classificazione 209) Piu' di Official Site

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Charley Chase
Nome: Charley Chase
Soprannome: Charlie Chase, Charlie
Data di nascita: August 6, 1987
Paese di Nascita: USA
Stato: Kentucky
Altezza: 157
Peso: 55
Misure: 34D-25-36
Colore dei Capelli: brown
Colore degli occhi: hazel
Etnicita': latino
Tatu'/Piercing: leo on the sun - behind left ear; cat on the moon - behind right ear; latin phrases(carpe diem, carpe noctem, carpe omnious) - back of the neck; angel cat and devil cat on pubes; jalapeno pepper on right butt cheek; cat on left foot; cat on right foot.
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